Rules and Regulations
Dojo Etiquette
1- 開始時刻の 15 分前にクラスに到着し、着替えてクラスの準備をします。
1- Arrive to Class 15 minutes before start time, changed and ready for class.
(later arrivals should wait in 'Seiza' until the Sensei has granted you permission to join class
2- 道場への出入りは、お辞儀をする必要があります。
2- When entering and leaving the dojo, it is necessary to bow.
3- 真剣道の漢字の道衣のみを着用する
男性は道衣の下に T シャツを着用しないでください
Wear only a dogi (uniform) with shinkendo kanji
Women to wear a white t-shirt vest under their dogi
Men NO t-shirts, vest etc to be worn under their dogi
4- 授業中にガムを食べたり噛んだりしないでください。
4- Do not eat or chew gum during class.
5- トレーニングの前にすべてのジュエリーを外してください。
5- Remove all jewellery before training.
6- 結んで留める長い髪
6- Long hair to be tied and kept back
7- 先生が指示を出すときは話さないでください。
7- Do not talk when the Sensei gives instruction .
8- 集中力と真剣な態度で練習する
8- Work with an attitude of serious and complete concentration. Do not be disruptive in class. Do not talk, laugh or giggle.
9- 常にすべての仲間のメンバーに敬意を払う
9- Always show respect to all fellow members
10- 技を見せた後は必ず先生にお辞儀をする
10- Always bow to Sensei after you have been showed a technique.
11- お問い合わせ/質問については、先生があなたに近づくように合図しないでください.自分で 彼に近づき、彼があなたの話を聞く準備ができるまで待ちます。
11- For enquiries/questions do not ask a Sensei to approach you. Raise your hand or approach the Sensei
12 一時的にクラスを離れたい場合は、先生にその旨を伝えてください。
12- If you wish to temporarily leave the class please bring this to the attention of the Sensei. (Students absent from the training dojo for longer than 10 minutes, will have Sensei or a Senior (Sempai) calling in to check if the student is okay.)
All greetings are said by the word OSU which is a common martial art greeting, it is pronounced load and clear. OSU is a mark of respect to dojo and can be used to show the instructor that you understand what he/she said and should always be used instead of yes.
Students to stand in line according to rank (When facing the class lower grades to the Sensei’s right with the most seniors to the Sensei’s left)
Upon the Sensei’s verbal or physical explanation students should stand in “Fudo Dachi”(Attention Stance)
The Most Senior Black Belt student addresses class and say “bow to Sensei” (Japanese: Sensei Ni Rei) at the start and end of class
If at any time during the training the student requires to adjust his/her (Dogi) uniform or obi (belt) they must turn facing the rear of the class and adjust his/her uniform
Assist fellow members by laying down and storing mats
Offer assistance to those in need
No Sparring without supervision
Refrain from loud talking, laughing or screaming in the Dojo
Do not “What if ” any instructor
Do not become upset or angry in the Dojo
Asking Questions not relevant to what is being taught is not allowed
If a student must stop training during a session, they must report to the Sensei or the most senior student
Report to the sensei prior to class if you have to leave early.
No student is allowed to leave the dojo without first asking the instructor.
In the dojo, always show good manners and listen carefully to the instructor’s directions. Do not waste your time and treat your training seriously.